
Conteur Dance Company, founded in 2011, and Artistically Directed by Eryn Waltman is premiering its 2nd season presentation of works entitled re(ACT), this coming November 22-24th, 2013 in Toronto.
Featuring dancers from across Canada and the United States, Conteur‘s re(ACT) takes the audience on a journey through life, from a woman’s perspective. Exploring the concept of life as a full circle, choreographer, Eryn Waltman, delves deep into the conscious and subconscious minds to portray the development of a woman on a journey to discover self-actualization. In each phase of life, the movement explores both physical and emotional changes in order to support this journey.
As part of the show, Conteur is showcasing excerpts from re(ACT). The Company will be presenting a segment from “NEW”, as well as “MOULD/ACT”, 2 unrelated pieces at different points in time within the show. While one showcases the more positive curiosity of the maturity of a woman, the other takes the audience to a deeper mindset as it embarks on the influences and forces, both internal and external in one’s journey through life.